Shop Accessibility
Set Up
If you have a specific question or concern regarding shop accessibility or set up please don’t hesitate to reach out if this doesn’t cover it
Our shop is a street level storefront with signage and a parking lot shared with the other businesses in our plaza.
Privacy: The view from the street is blocked by privacy curtains but the shop layout is open. Sometimes I am the only artist in, but most times there will be other artists and clients working in the same room. If more privacy is necessary for our session there are privacy panels that can be put in place for the duration of your tattoo.
We have two bathrooms, one is on the smaller side and located in the main tattoo room, and the other is more spacious and ADA compliant - located near our break space and water fountains.
Our waiting area furniture is sturdy and suitable for a variety of body types. My shop provided tattoo bed has a capacity of 400lbs and is fully adjustable for your comfort, tattoo placement allowing. It does not have arms, as neither do our couch nor our rolling chairs that client guests can use to sit close to the tattoo-ee. I was unable to find stats on the weight limit of those rolling chairs but they have proven good thus far.
We will discuss your positioning for your tattoo based on the placement and how it wraps. I always want to position you however is most comfortable and have pillows available to help cushion unsupported areas.
Hearing: If you have trouble hearing, let me know. My station is close to the speaker for our music and with the added combination of tattoo machines running, overlapping conversations, and the music it can sometimes be difficult for those with minimal hearing. I do not know ASL but if this is a concern I can bring a laptop for us to type back and forth on quickly. I will provide aftercare instructions in written form.
Stress/fidget friends are available if you want or need a sensory distraction from the tattoo sensation.
I routinely use Bactine spray throughout our session that takes the edge off the pain of the tattoo for about 20 minutes at a time. I am open to the use of numbing gels and creams and fully detail that here. My recommendation is the brand is Hush but please read all the information both I and the company provide on numbing aid use.
Allergies will be asked in both your tattoo request form and on the consent form given at the time of your tattoo. It is your responsibility to inform me of any sensitivities you may have. I use Panthera inks, Bronner’s soap, distilled water, alcohol, witch hazel, aloe, A+D ointment and Electrum stencil primer.
General stimulation: It can be difficult to predict when the shop will be busy vs when it could just be us there so please assume that it could swing either way! When the shop is busy there can be a lot of overlapping noises but for the most part people stick to themselves and we’ll be left alone in my station’s corner. When it’s a slower day, the shop can be very quiet and under stimulating, usually with the only noises being the tattoo machine and the music. Headphones are greatly encouraged if you need to escape either situation :-)
Please understand that I am a highly sensitive person. If the shop is busy/louder, I might be on the quiet side as I’m processing what’s around me and working harder to focus on your tattoo. I do carry headphones with me but prefer to be present in the shop incase my attention is needed with you, someone walking in, another client, etc.
We can absolutely chat and laugh throughout your appointment however please understand that tattooing takes much of my focus so please do not expect me to stay talkative/responsive during our entire session. Books, handheld games, phones and headphones are more than welcome if desired to stay entertained.
Any concern uncovered? Ask here!